Saturday, September 7 @ 8:30 a.m.
This training session is for all NEW volunteers who minister to children and youth teachers, assistants, etc. The Archdiocese of Boston mandates this training.
St. Joseph the Worker Endowment Fund application now available online and at the rectory. All parishioners who are graduating high school and plan to further their education are available to apply. Complete applications are due back to the rectory by April 28, 2013.
St. Joseph the Worker Endowment Fund application now available online and at the rectory. All parishioners who are graduating high school and plan to further their education can apply. Complete applications are due back to the rectory by April 29, 2012.
We take this time to bless, celebrate and acknowledge all that come forward to "Do this in memory of Me" and follow His command to be a community of evangelization. We are all charged with being a people who gather to do Eucharist (Thanksgiving) in the communion of saints who have gone before us, the saints with whom we live, we prepare for the saints yet to come. "We remember, we celebrate, we believe" (Marty Haugen 1983 GIA). This is our mission as religious educators. It is Good News. Proclaim it. Celebrate.
We are beyond grateful for all who come and answer HIS call.
will kick off on Sunday, September 11th at 6:00 p.m. All 6th through 12 grade teens are encouraged and invited to check it out. This Mass will be teen-focused but it is not limited to just teenagers. People of all ages can attend a teen Mass. The music, homilies and environment are planned for the teens and their families, but the energy, reverence, and prayerfulness that teens bring to the celebration is contagious! Come see!
Rehearsals resume on Thursday, September 8th, from 4-5:15pm in Father Sullivan Hall. Parents, if your child (grades 2-8) missed Choir sign-ups in June, please contact Mrs. Renny at We are looking forward to another wonderful "Choir year"!
*EDGE Grades 6-8 Teachers and Assistants will meet on Wednesday, August 31st at 6:30 p.m.
*Protecting God's Children Training for all new volunteers/teachers/assistants is set for Sat., September 10th at 8:30 a.m.
Meeting for Grade 2-5 catechists and assistants is Wednesday, August 24th at 7:00 p.m. Come early to hand in Volunteer forms.
Meeting for EDGE, Grade 6-8 core leaders and assistants is Wednesday, August 31st at 7:00 p.m. Come early to hand in forms.
Introducing...Summer Religious Education Program
New this year, we are offering a 10-day, three hour program for students entering grades 3, 4, and 5 in September. Completion of this program will fulfill the requirements for the 2011-2012 school year.
The dates are Friday, June 24, Monday June 27 through Friday, July 1 and then Tuesday, July 5 through Friday, July 8. Classes run from 8:45 a.m. to 12 noon. Space is limited to 20 students per grade.
Saturday morning classes for grades 2-5 will still be held at the Indian Head School from September to April. Also, this program should not be confused with Vacation Bible School which will be held in mid-July.
Please call the office if you are interested in this alternative program for your child/children. Perfect attendance is essential, so please check your calendars before calling. Placement will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
For all students in Grade 5 - 8!
Jedlie will perform his magic and illusion show here at St. Joseph the Worker on Monday, December 13th at 7:00 p.m.
His first trick will be to turn our Grade 6, 7, & 8 EDGE session into a fun and entertaining performance of "Jesus Brings the Magic"
Please join our parish community in celebrating Mass on the weekend of
September 11/12. Following each Mass, the Religious Education staff will distribute class assignments and schedules for students in grades 2-8.
New this year for grades 2-5: students' books will also be distributed at this time.